My name is Migail Graves, I am a student at ASU. I am doing a project under the direction of Dr. Corianne Rogalsky, Assistant Professor of Speech and Hearing Science in the College of Health Solutions at Arizona State University. We are conducting a survey to better understand the types of therapy, goals, and support that stroke survivors have in their rehabilitation journey, and how stroke survivors feel during this journey. We want to hear from you and learn about your experiences!

Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You have the right to skip any question or stop participating at any time. No identifying information will be collected and the results of this study will be published only in aggregate. You must be 18 or older to participate.
The survey is anonymous. However, if you would like to leave an email address at the end of the survey, you will be entered into a raffle to win a $50 Amazon gift card. Your email address will be used for no other purpose than for the raffle.
Would you be willing to complete a short survey about your rehabilitation experiences? This survey should take 10 minutes. If you are willing to do so, please go to the link to take the survey, CLICK HERE (or below).
Thank you for helping us learn more about how to improve stroke survivors’ quality of life!
Please share this email and survey link with any one that you know that has also experienced a stroke. Thank you!
Migail Graves
Research Assistant under the supervision of Dr. Corianne Rogalsky
Questions? Please contact Dr. Rogalsky @ 480-965-0576, or by e-mail, click here.