All interested parties are welcome!
Please join us, whether you are a: Survivor, Caregiver, Family Member, Friend, and/or Healthcare Provider.
I decided to start this blog because:
One-year post-stroke, I sought out a “one-stop-shop” online with comprehensive information and assistance from another stroke survivor to help me answer the questions I had, and to provide practical information to help me recover. When I couldn't find anything, I thought it was time to start listening to the people who'd encouraged me to create such a vehicle early on, as you’ll see in the next paragraph. The blog commenced in 2019 after 2.5 years in the making and I am grateful for each and every one of you!
Several of my stroke therapists and advisors suggested and encouraged me to do this. I thought it was a ludicrous idea at first, as I could barely get through each day walking without falling, or reading without experiencing extreme fatigue, or staying on track mentally. Not to mention - just get through my daily therapy sessions and my home life required a lot of my energy! As I improved, I changed my mind and began the long process of finding the right website expert and creating a meaningful vision for my blog.
I wanted to provide a service for others who had experienced what I had, as I’ve been in the service business my entire adult life, i.e., hotels, airlines, and small business owner providing employee training services. I also feel we are on this earth to help each other in whatever way we can, so this was a natural transition for me.
I’ve had 30+ years of writing experience as the owner of an employee training company where I wrote custom-designed programs on various human resource-related topics, a college professor; and the author of numerous articles for hospitality newspapers, magazines, and textbooks.
Explore The Site
Enjoy a collection of free resources for a growing community of over 7,000 stroke survivors, caregivers and their loved ones. I am so happy you are here!
We would love to hear from you. Questions, comments, suggestions, recommendations and more.
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